As usual a quick cut without context or real sound, cheaply made. Enjoy! ... read more

My motivation to cycle through Uzbekistan dwindles once I'm confronted with the harsh conditions ... read more

Holy shit, camels everywhere! ... read more

Onboard the Caspian sea ferry "Mercury 1" I travel to Kazakhstan ... read more

After 59 nights, my last chapter in Iran ends at the same point where it begun: at the border to Azerbaijan. ... read more

My last travel in Iran will lead me back to where I started ... read more

Exactly 1 year ago on 18 June 2018, I started my trip into the unknown. ... read more

This stretch is particularly difficult as I will have to cross a small desert without any shops or villages for about 90 km ... read more

  • Posted Jun 8, 2019

Iran pt 2

Tehran - Isfahan

Friendly people everywhere ... read more

  • Posted Jun 8, 2019

Iran pt 1

Astara to Tehran

My first impression: Iranians are _really_ approachable. Maybe a little bit too much, even? ... read more

Accidentally witness the F1 grand prix event and visit some vulcanoes ... read more

Generated: 2025-03-12 12:08:17 CET